Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas time in the Methow

For the past couple of years I have been having Christmas in the Methow with the Gregg family. This year, I am now having Christmas in the Methow as family!

I finished up my first series of races last weekend in Silver Star, British Columbia. I am happy with how the first 9 races of the season went but I still have almost 30 more to go! I am happy to say that I learned a lot about technique, tactics and especially my fleet of skis. After the ski season is over I am always so grateful that running requires so little in terms of equipment. I am now in the final preparation of the year before US Nationals and the biggest races on the calendar. Once I finished my race in Silver Star on Sunday I drove with the entire Gregg family back to the Methow Valley of Washington. The drive was about 5 hours and I was thrilled to be packed in the mini-van so we could all share stories and catch up again.

This past week in the Methow has been priceless. Last year Brian and I stayed in Canada for another weekend of racing in Rossland, B.C. and came down to the Methow a week later. The extra week in the Valley has allowed me to recover from the past 9 races, spend time with family and friends and start my taper program before Nationals.

My taper plan involves recovery, volume, intensity, drop in volume and intensity and then racing. I have used this plan with a lot of success over the past 4 years for various events like US Nationals, the Olympics and the Birkie. I know it well, and even more importantly, respond well to it. Once I had taken a few days off I started building up my volume. Thankfully as much of the country, including Minneapolis and Maine, have been without the snow, the Methow has plenty and the skiing is fantastic! I have been able to ski over 4 hours a day on beautifully groomed trails, perfect conditions and most importantly with my family! Skiing is a family and community affair here in the Methow and if you are going to socialize you may as well be skiing at the same time. I spend a lot of my ski greeting familiar faces and catching everyone up on our (Brian and I) house and time together since the wedding.

High up on the Rendezvous

Alieta (my sister-in-law and me skiing together!

Alieta and me at the top of the pass (high point)
Skiing around the country and the world would not be possible without the great memories and opportunities I have shared here in the Methow Valley with the Greggs.

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